A 9-night immersive experience of Devi’s energy with NavDurga Sadhana*
Mar 22nd to 31st, 2023
*No initiation required
A 9-night immersive experience of Devi’s energy with NavDurga Sadhana*
Mar 22nd to 31st, 2023
*No initiation required
Worship Devi this Navarātri and experience joy, freedom and ecstasy in every breath
Evening Japa of awakened mantras of the nine forms of Ma Durga
During the nine days of seasonal change from spring to summer in the month of Chaitra, the divine form of Ma comes closer to the earthly realm.
Our sages called this time as Navarātris, the nine nights which represent an evolution of the human consciousness. Each of these nine nights are worshipped for a different attribute of Mother Goddess.
By worshipping the nine forms of Ma Durga, we invoke courage, strength and self-discipline and conquer the inner demons like fear, rage, depression, anxiety and purify ourselves.
The Japa and Yagya performed during this NavDurga Sadhana bring a subtle yet deeper shift within our consciousness.
It builds resilience within us to overcome the vagaries of life. We become harmonious with the Universe.
Revered monk Om Swamiji is an accomplished Devi Upasaka and has been doing mantra sadhana since the age of 11. Having spent more than 15,000 hours in meditation, He has simplified this ancient process for current times so that people can benefit from this transformational Sadhana.
We invite you to join us in this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and become a Yajamanā of this powerful Sadhana.
It’s a Sadhana that brings Ma Durga’s grace and grandeur into our lives as an exuberant expression of Herself.
Take charge this Navarātri and start your journey towards courage, strength and victory with this powerful Sadhana.
Sadhana is the world’s first app for do-it-yourself manasic rituals like Yagya, Abhishekam, Japa, Nitya Puja and Sadhana.
I am truly, the supreme Parabrahman. I emanate this world, composed of Prakriti and Purusha.
I am of the form of all the elements this world is made of like air, water, earth etc. as well as the non-elements. I am the entire visible world.
I am the Shoonya (nothingness) and beyond the Shoonya!
II Devi Atharvashirsham II
Be a part of Sadhana community, learn the esoteric stories of Sanatana Dharma and deepen your spiritual practice.
Om Swamiji is an unconventional monk who renounced his multi-million dollar enterprise in search of his truth. Determined to meditate his way to the truth, he spent thirteen months in caves and woods, in snow and wild, in austere and terrifying conditions.
What went in with a spark, came out like a wildfire.
Swamiji has devoted 15,000 hours to meditation and has the ability to bring his brain to a perfect standstill with the sheer force of concentration.
Through Vedic Sadhana Foundation, an NGO, Swami ji has gifted Sadhana app to the world in the service of Sanatana Dharma.
Our mission is to revive the beauty of Sanatana Dharma and pass on its glory to the next generation as a gift from the ancient sages of BharatVarsha.
The Sadhana app is that generational opportunity to allow the youth, in particular, to embrace where they have come from, in a form factor that resonates and appeals to them.
Yes, you can perform the NavDurga Sadhana independent of any priest with greater devotion and less distraction. Doing it independently deepens our relationship with Mother Goddess, thereby leading to higher spiritual consciousness, stronger intuition and greater well-being. Sadhana app guides this powerful Sadhana as they were ordained in the Vedas.
The word Yájamāna literally means a patron or an institutor. In the Vedic culture, when anything auspicious is done, there are usually many beneficiaries including the customers, organisers and service providers, but there are only a few stakeholders. Being a Yájamāna is akin to being a stakeholder.
Those who have chosen to be a Yájamāna, will be able to perform the most powerful yagna with the revered monk Om Swami, in-step, alongside or at their convenience;
As beneficiaries, Yájamānas will also receive prasadam and holy ash from the entire duration of the Sadhana delivered at their homes.
There are two parts of this sadhana: morning and evening.
The Sadhana starts from the evening of Mar 22nd with Japa or mantra chanting. You will need to set aside ~30-40 minutes in the evening for the day-wise mantra chanting. The Yagyas are to be done in the morning at 5:30AM IST. This would take approx. 45 minutes. The final Yagya would be on the morning of Mar 31st.
You have an option to do the manasic Yagya in-step with the offline Yagya performed by Devi Upāsaka and our founder, revered monk Om Swami ji at Sri Badrika Ashram, Himachal Pradesh, India.
If you are staying outside of India, you can also do the evening mantra chanting and morning Yagya as per the local timings or panchang.
All you need is devotion towards Mother Goddess to perform the Sadhana. No ingredients are required. You can do the entire pooja mentally with the Sadhana app.
Everyone irrespective of caste, creed, gender, nationality, who feels a pull towards the beautiful Sanatana Dharma, to the Vedic glory of our ancestors and to the Divine Feminine, the glorious Mother Goddess can use the app and perform the Sadhana.
Sadhana is your relationship with the Divine. So, you are welcome to do sadhana even if you have never been initiated, follow some other guru, or don’t follow anyone. The aim is to feel close to the Divine with our without a guru’s help.
The offering or contribution is Rs. 7500 for Indian nationals and USD 199 for foreign nationals. There is an additional shipping cost for Prasadam and holy ash of Rs. 300 within India and $30 for people outside India.
Yes, we will mail you a packet of Prasadam and holy ash from the havan-kund of Swami ji.
Your prayers to Mother Goddess never go unanswered. For She is your mother across all births.
All you have to do is summon Ma with devotion. Summon Her with conviction like a child calls upon her mother.
This Chaitra Navarātri, invoke Ma for courage, strength and victory.